9th Ferrara International Ph.D. Workshop IDAUP. RESEARCH BETWEEN REAL AND VIRTUAL

Contemporary research perspectives among physical, digital and A.I. realities

Dettagli dell'evento


dal 03/07/2023 alle 09:00
al 14/07/2023 alle 13:00


Dipartimento di Architettura DA I Department of Architecture - University of Ferrara. Via Quartieri, 8 - Ferrara - BLENDED Through GoTo Meeting Platform* Rooms A5 - A4 - A2

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Lunedì 3 luglio 2023 prenderà il via la IX edizione del Workshop Dottorale Internazionale dell’International Doctorate in Architecture and Urban Planning (IDAUP) del Dipartimento di Architettura UniFe. Il Workshop Internazionale intitolato RESEARCH BETWEEN REAL AND VIRTUAL si prefigge, attraverso seminari disciplinari con graditi ospiti internazionali, visite a luoghi di produzione del settore delle costruzioni e a una Conferenza Internazionale dello studioso Dr. Federico Cugurullo (Trinity College Dublin) di proporre un quadro quanto più aggiornato possibile delle ricerche più avanzate che si muovono - a diverse scale - appunto tra luoghi reali e realtà digitali/virtuali con un focus sulle prospettive di applicazione dell’ Artificial Intelligence (AI) in alcune di esse.


The IX Edition of the International Doctorate in Architecture and Urban Planning (IDAUP) Workshop of the UniFe Department of Architecture will start on Mon July 3rd, 2023. The International Workshop entitled RESEARCH BETWEEN REAL AND VIRTUAL aims, through disciplinary seminars with welcome international guests, visits to a production site for the construction sector and an International Conference by the scholar Dr. Federico Cugurullo (Trinity College Dublin), to offer the most up-to-date picture possible of the most advanced research that moves - at different scales - precisely between real places and digital/virtual realities with a focus on the application perspectives of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in some of them.


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*To attend a Seminar or at the International Conference online, please write one day before the event to theo.zaffagnini@unife.it and to Beatrice.magagnoli@unife.it to obtain the GTM LINK.



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