Elena Dorato tra i vincitori del Premio “Giulio Natta e Nicolò Copernico” 2017

Elena Dorato tra i vincitori del Premio “Giulio Natta e Nicolò Copernico” 2017


Ferrara, 7 ottobre 2017


La Dott.ssa Elena Dorato, architetto e Dottore di Ricerca / PhD presso il Dipartimento di Architettura di Ferrara, ha vinto il prestigioso Riconoscimento “Nicolò Copernico” 2017 dedicato ai Dottori di Ricerca per tesi innovative in scienze e tecnologie.

Il premio è stato conferito alla tesi dal titolo “The Active City. Urban Planing and Design Enhancing Health and Physical Activity”, svolta nell’ambito dell’International Doctorate Architecture and Urban Planning IDAUP (XXIX cycle) in consorzio con la Polis University di Tirana (ALB) e in associazione con la University of Malta, Faculty for the Built Environment (MLT).

Thesis Supervisor DA_UniFe: Prof. Romeo FARINELLA

Thesis External Supervisor POLIS University: Prof. Artan FUGA

External Expert: Prof. Antonio BORGOGNI


Coordinatore International Doctorate Architecture and Urban Planning (IDAUP) : Prof. Roberto Di Giulio

Vice-coordinatore delegato DA / PhD Programme Supervisor :  Prof. Theo Zaffagnini


Vai al Premio nel sito di Ateneo



Vai al sito del Premio



Elena Dorato among the winners of  Awards “Giulio Natta and Nicolò Copernico” 2017

Ferrara, October 7th, 2017

Dr. Elena Dorato, architect and Ph.D. at the Department of Architecture of Ferrara, has been awarded with the prestigious  “Nicolò Copernico” 2017 Acknowledgment to Ph.D. fellows for innovative thesis in sciences and technologies.

The acknowlegment has been assigned to the thesis titled: “The Active City. Urban Planing and Design Enhancing Health and Physical Activity”, a research work developed within the International Doctorate Architecture and Urban Planning IDAUP (XXIX cycle) a Joint PhD Programme based on a Consortium Agreement with Polis University of Tirana (ALB) and in association with the University of Malta, Faculty for the Built Environment (MLT).

Thesis Supervisor DA_UniFe: Prof. Romeo FARINELLA

Thesis External Supervisor POLIS University: Prof. Artan FUGA

External Expert: Prof. Antonio BORGOGNI


Ph.D. Course Coordinator: Prof. Roberto Di Giulio

Deputy Vice-Coordinator DA/PhD Programme Supervisor: Prof. Theo Zaffagnini


Link to the Prize in the Atheneum website



Link to the Prize website




Responsabile News: Theo Zaffagnini

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