Master in Restoration, Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage

In cooperation between:

Università degli Studi di Ferrara,

Dipartimento di Architettura (Home Institution)
Polis University, Tirana (ALB)


DA-UNIFE - Prof. Antonello Stella

POLIS Tirana - Prof. Skender Laurasi, Dr. Malvina Istrefaj

Professors DA-UNIFE involved in Academic Year 2022-23: Prof.Veronica Balboni, Prof. Federica Maietti, Prof. Alessandro Massarente, Prof. Manlio Montuori, Prof. Marco Mulazzani, Prof. Luca Rossato, Prof. Antonello Stella


The Executive Master program of the third level in Restoration, Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage. is organized by POLIS University jointly with the University of Ferrara. This collaboration extends from the conception of the curriculum to its teaching, a considerable part of which is provided by the academic staff of the University of Ferrara. Given that the Italian universities in general and that of Ferrara in particular are at the forefront of the sciences and practices (a situation that is undoubtedly encouraged by the very wide and diverse fund of Italian historical and cultural heritage), this program provides an updated scientific and applied expertise on contemporary restoration practices.

This program aims to equip students with in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical skills to guarantee a successful career in the field of restoration, conservation, and valorization of the cultural heritage in urban centers and areas with strong natural character. The students will be able to critically analyze the existing state of cultural and landscape heritage and further propose the most appropriate interventions in the spirit of contemporary developments in this field. This program addresses contemporary approaches in the discipline of restoration and embodies and implements these approaches in the Albanian context, a context that on the one hand offers a rich cultural and historical heritage, and on the other presents the urgent need for a contemporary restoration expertise, conservation, and valorization.

As a third cycle program attached to the Faculty of Research and Development and to the Doctoral Program in Architecture and Urban Planning, which is also a joint program with a dual degree from the University of Ferrara, this program offers an interdisciplinary, cooperative, and international environment, rich in ideas and human resources. This program is in a privileged position to inspire and enable access to a variety of research approaches and expertise - scientific, innovative, and/or applied - in the field of cultural heritage restoration, conservation, and valorization. This program is designed to respect and encourage students' individual tendencies and interests in relation to a variety of contemporary modalities of different practices and lectures in the restoration discipline.

Due to the complexity of the field of restoration and valorization of cultural heritage, the key factor is the adoption of a multidisciplinary but also integrative approach between a strong theoretical and applied formation. This interdisciplinary approach to research and implementation can only be offered by a third cycle program, which accepts candidates who have already completed in-depth studies in their respective fields: Architecture, Urbanism, Engineering, History, Archeology, Restoration, Adaptive reuse, etc.

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