Gianni Lobosco

XXIX Cycle - (A.A. 2013-2014)

Home Institution: DA-UNIFE
Without Scholarship
Curriculum: Urban Planning (ICAR15)
Research Topic: Landscape, infrastructure and tourism
Tutor DA-UNIFE: Luca Emanueli
Tutor Polis University: Lujeta Bozo
Nationality: Italian



Architect, PhD in Landscape Architecture at the University of Ferrara where he teaches Parametric Landscape Design & Infrastructure Planning in the Final Master Thesis Class. Within the Architecture Department of the same university, he is also a member of the Research Centre Sealine (Sustainable Development of Coastal Systems) and research fellow at the TekneHub (Innovation, Industrial Research, and Technology Transfer Laboratory). He has been visiting expert and teacher in several academic institutions among which, in 2017, the Master in Landscape Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona. His academic and professional activities focus on the emerging relationships between landscape and infrastructures rising from the evolution of global phenomena such as tourism and climate change. These topics' investigation is carried on in collaboration with public management body and private companies interested in addressing their decision-making process with more landscape-oriented and resilient strategies.

Research skills
Landscape | Infrastructures | Scenarios | Parametric | Tourism

Scientific activities



Doctoral research

Sizing Landscapes. A Scenario-Based Approach Addressing Landscape Changes due to Infrastructure Developments, Learning from Touristic Contexts.

The thesis investigates the opportunities and challenges of using a scenario-based approach, both as a negotiation and a performative format, for addressing landscape transformations in highly-complex and unstable contexts, where infrastructural works are needed to face environmental and socio-economic evolutions. By reporting the different steps which have brought to the consolidation of an operative model in collaboration with infrastructure developers, the thesis provides a framework for embedding alternative landscape scenarios into the decision making process since its very beginning. In fact, as stakeholders and developers need to rely on new tools for better communicating and imaging the prospective landscape their interventions will produce, researchers and professionals in the fields of landscape planning and architecture have to find new ways to assist them in building strategies which could adapt to potential different future scenarios. At first, this work presents a selection of pilot experiences carried out within two exemplar and challenging contexts, chosen for their being pressured by extremely variable dynamics: riverscapes and touristic areas. The aim of these projects and researches was to understand how data and forecasts provided to infrastructural developers through quantitative and analytical models could effectively be converted into landscape dimensions, and so processed into exploratory scenarios. Thereafter, by reviewing the T.H.ER.E. project experience, the thesis reports a first empirical attempt of sizing of a complex multipurpose infrastructure in touristic territories. In response to the issues raised by that experience and reworking other disciplines’ workflows, an operative model based on the development of alternative landscape scenarios is postulated: the ‘Sizing Landscapes Model’. A specific early-implementation of the model, concerning the infrastructural systems and contexts which a land reclamation authority has to manage, is then reported and analysed in order to test the instrument and its workflow, as well as its potential effects on strategic planning and the developer decision making. Following a ‘research-by-design’ methodology, the research attempts to demonstrate the convenience of overturning the attitude towards landscape in the common process of designing and planning infrastructures. A scenario-based approach should promote a more prospective outlook allowing to encompass uncertainties, risks and strategic visions into the evolving boundaries of future landscapes.

Landscape | Infrastructures | Scenarios | Tourism | Environment | Resilience

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