Alberto Verde

XXX Cycle - (A.A. 2014-2015)

Home Institution: University of Ferrara
Curriculum: Architecture (ICAR14)
Research Topic: Energy and landscape
Tutor DA-UNIFE: Alessandro Massarente
Tutor Polis University: Sherif Lushaj
Nationality: Italian



Alberto Verde (1982) is an architect and urban planner who works in Switzerland and a PhD researcher. His PhD research entitled “OILANDSCAPES. Coupling ecological and social dimensions with oil infrastructure in the Adriatic-Ionian region” has been assessed with honors by an international commission and has been awarded a prize as one of the best research for the XXX cycle at the University of Ferrara. He graduated in 2008 with honors at the University of Ferrara with the thesis project “Recombinant territories. Inertias and opportunities in low anthropic charge territories crossed by the Corridor V of Trans European Network”. He carried out research and teaching activities at the University of Ferrara , at the EPFL in Lausanne, at the Universidad Catolica de Cordoba and at the Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (Argentina). His interest for a multi-scalar design approach that blends landscape with urban planning and architectural domains represents the main theme of his academic, research and professional experiences.

Research skills
research by design | landscape | urban design | architecture | territorial restructuring

Scientific activities



Doctoral research

OILANDSCAPES. Coupling ecological and social dimensions with oil infrastructure in Adriatic-Ionian region

The relationship between energy and landscape is witnessing an epochal change because the centralized production system is moving towards a distributed territorial one. From this point of view, the “cathedrals of modernity” for energy production of the second industrial revolution (Branzi, 2006) will see their territorial role completely compromised. In the light of the role of fossil fuels infrastructure in the definition of territorial and urban planning hierarchies and in view of the energetic transition foreshadowed by Rifkin’s third industrial revolution (2011), the research looks at the widespread physical connections of oil meshes as the real potential that an oil infrastructure’s reconversion could share for the forthcoming territorial restructuring. Overcoming the notion of oil infrastructure and embracing the systemic vision of oil meshes, the research wishes to define innovative territorial development scenarios,which integrate socio-ecological realms to infrastructural design domain, thus outlining the new role of OILANDSCAPES. Research by design is the methodology chosen to investigate the oil mesh of the north-eastern PoValley region,using mapping and scenario-building tools in order to imagine and evaluate spatial futures.

research by design | energy transition | landscape | territorial restructuring | oil industry

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