Kejt Dhrami

XXXII Cycle - (A.A. 2016-2017)

Home Institution: Polis University Tirana
Curriculum: Urban Planning (ICAR20)
Research Topic: Innovative land management instruments
Tutor DA-UNIFE: Romeo Farinella
Tutor Polis University: Loris Rossi
Nationality: Albanian



Kejt Dhrami is working as an urban planning expert in Co-Plan, Institute of Habitat Development; as lecturer at Polis University, Faculty of Urban Planning, Management and Environment, and as local expert in the Regional Development Programme in Albania (Phase 3). Her fields of expertise span from spatial planning and governance, to land management, land market policies. Academically, she completed her Master in Urban Planning and Management, followed by a 2 year program in Spatial Planning and GIS Applications. Currently Kejt is a PhD candidate in the IDAUP Program, XXXII cycle. Her field of research includes urban morphology, as an instrument to draft enhanced land management indicators. Kejt is co-author in several publications in the field of regional, local planning and land management, such as technical manuals, Development Strategies, research/policy papers. She has participated in several International Conferences addressing planning and good governance.

Research skills
Land development | Land management | Spatial Planning | GIS | Regional policy

Scientific activities



Doctoral research

Form-based tools aiming at improving land management practices in the level of structural units

The main objective of this research is to explore theoretical and practical ways in which planning professionals and city governors can regulate development rights and achieve planning standards in the lowest level of territorial division: the structural unit. Using a variety of tools to evaluate different parameters of development in different sizes of the aforementioned units, and stimulating decision-making in terms of proposed intensity, proposed coverage, proposed building height, proposed building typologies, etc, will contribute to a wide selection of scenarios of development, where land owners profit in different ways, according to the division itself. The research is broadly based in both theoretical aspects, as well as practical approaches, which facilitate the process of analyzing the structural morphology in Albanian cities. The first part focuses on theoretical collections and the evolution of city structures, interpretation in different cultures and main concepts related to city units. Secondly, it tackles practical methods of dividing cities or territories into subunits, using digitalization tools, GIS software adaptations, or parametric tools of estimation. Thirdly, the theoretical and practical approaches are merged into a structured methodology, which can be applied in the Albanian legislation, but also put in use in other contexts as well.

Form-based codes| structural units | land development instruments | land management | toolkit

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