Ilda Rusi

XXXIII Cycle - (A.A. 2017-2018)
Home Institution: Polis University Tirana
Scholarship (with research contract)
Curriculum: Architecture (ICAR10)
Research Topic: Building and structural design
Tutor DA-UNIFE: Theo Zaffagnini
Tutor Polis University: Llazar Kumaraku
Nationality: Albanian
Born in Tirana in 1987, Ilda is a Structural Engineer graduated at Polytechnic University of Tirana. Has been involved in several projects as a co-author in the design of several projects, residences, residential and service buildings, industrial buildings and several villas. In 2011 she attended a postgraduate course and got an individual license in Real Estate Appraisal for Buildings and Land. From March 2013, she was recruited by CEC as a Specialist at the Department of Technology and Information, in the Map Processing Sector (GIS). Also she has a four year experience employed as a Laboratory and Codification Engineer from a company known in Albania and abroad, which operates in the field of geological and geotechnical studies, as well as in laboratory testing in the field of Construction, being part of some key projects such as TAP, Devoll Hydropower Projects etc. She is a member of the professional organization: Albanian Association of Geotechnics. Currently she is employed at POLIS University in Tirana as an assistant Lecturer at Faculty of Architecture and Design. Her interested field/courses are Advanced Structure Theories, Numerical Methods in Engineering, Soil and Rock Mechanics. Her interest field of study is in the areas that bridge Architecture and Civil Engineering. She has participated in different conferences, trainings and workshops home and abroad.
Research skills
Project Design | Structural Theories | Engineering Softwares | Sustainable Design | Interdisciplinary Research
Scientific activities
Doctoral research
AESTHETIC STRUCTURAL DESIGN. Methods towards aesthetic and rational integration in co-design process
My field of research is broadly in the areas that bridge Architecture and Engineering. It is intended to start from a conceptual study then analytical and at the end technical and practical. In particular the research field would be on how to get the harmony of an aesthetic innovative architecture with rational structural design. The focus of this research would be based on the collaboration between architects and structural engineers, and more specifically on the process by which they collaborate and exchange information about structural conceptual design propositions. The aesthetic and rational structural design of buildings covers a complex understanding of aesthetics enjoyment, optimisation, innovation and efficiency to a well-designed architectural project. This understanding combined with creativity of designing is at the heart of advancements in aesthetic and rational structural design. The research field would be on how to get the harmony of an aesthetic innovative architecture with rational structural design. On the other hand, it is intended to fill the gap between structural engineers and architects understanding of structural forms. It aims to inspire designers to develop innovative and sustainable structural schemes. Another important objective would be structural analysis in terms of architectural handling of structural elements, positioning, dimensioning, formatting, grouping them into multifunctional complex elements in the form of core elements, shear walls, braced elements, frame elements, rigid columns, beams etc. This preliminary design phase is very important and contributes in taking the optimal solution by avoiding at the same time some negative phenomena that would result in the lack of proper attention during the design process. The co-operation at this stage implies achieving these results and at a faster time. Structure and architecture may be related in a wide variety of ways ranging between the extremes of complete domination of the architecture by the structure to total disregard of structural requirements in the determination of both the form of a building and of its aesthetic treatment. So the main object will be the way to accept structure as form generator. First of all, this research aims to be rather a question of expanding and generalising theories (analytical generalisation) based on a several number of case studies. The first part would be theoretical and investigates source of inspiration for the previous collaboration between the architects and civil engineers and learning from existing experiences. The second part would be presented through possible methods for enhancing the integration of an aesthetic and rational design process. The methodology of this topic would be demonstrated by means of a comparison analysis of the issues that arise from the current design process.
Aesthetic | Structure | Co-Design Process | Sustainability | Optimisation